• Vacancies, Internships, and Volunteering

We offer tremendous and diverse opportunities for those interested in working with data in the Egyptian context and regionally. Our prospects range from volunteer opportunities and internship
programs to full-time posts.

We have established a Data Research Internship Program (DRIP) where six to12 interns are hired annually for a paid internship period that ranges between 1 to 3 months to gain experience in data management through their work on DADRI’s research projects. Upon finishing their internships, interns are encouraged to apply for entry-level jobs at DADRI upon the availability of vacancies.

Our recruitment process is transparent, equal opportunities are announced online. All new staff under a three-month probation period are handed copies of our bylaws where more information about our recruitment policies and remuneration is available. It is worth noting that applicants who interned at DADRI have their probation period canceled and have been directly hired through a full-time contract.

Lastly, we offer our team members competitive benefits packages, including flexible working conditions, endless opportunities for on-the-job training and staff capacity development, fair contracts, and remuneration commensurate with our team’s efforts, progress, and experience.

Job Vacancy

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